Daily Schedule:
A - Music
B - P.E.
C - Computer Lab
D - Art
8:30-9:20 Specials
9:30-11:00 Math
11:00-12:30 Literacy
12:30-12:50 Recess
12:50-1:10 Lunch
1:10-2:20 Science & Social Studies
2:25-2:40 Afternoon Recess
2:40-3:10 Read Aloud, Genius Hour, etc.
3:10 Dismissal
About Ms. Kunkel
My name is Nikki Kunkel and I have been teaching fourth grade since 2008. I was born and raised in Fayette, Missouri. I received my undergraduate degree from Missouri State University in Springfield and completed my Master’s degree at Mizzou. My husband Adam and I enjoy spending time with our one year old daughter. She is our pride and joy.
Q&A with Ms. Kunkel
My name is Nikki Kunkel and I have been teaching fourth grade since 2008. I was born and raised in Fayette, Missouri. I received my undergraduate degree from Missouri State University in Springfield and completed my Master’s degree at Mizzou. My husband Adam and I enjoy spending time with our one year old daughter. She is our pride and joy.
Q&A with Ms. Kunkel
How do I contact you?
A: During the day, email or text message is the best way to reach me. If I receive your email or text I will send you a quick response in order to inform you I have read your message and if a more lengthy response is necessary it will come at a later time.
You may also call the school and they will relay any necessary message.
Shepard Elementary's phone number is (573)214-3660
You may also call the school and they will relay any necessary message.
Shepard Elementary's phone number is (573)214-3660
Q: How do I find out what is happening in the classroom?
A: A newsletter will be posted to the blog and personal emails will be sent frequently. I also frequently use text messages to send pictures and comments. In addition, you can check for updates via our blog and Twitter feed (@NkunkelK)
Q: Do you send home Friday folders?
A: Yes. Folders with handouts and school information will be sent home on Friday.
Folders should be returned to school each Monday.
Q: Will my child have homework? How much?
A: We have a weekly homework page that will be sent home in the Friday folder. We have a point system. I understand families have limited time and various commitments, therefore, your child can earn different points each week for completing various assignments. The two best things you can do for your child at home is to have them read and work on math facts daily.
Q: Will my child need to read each night?
A: Reading each night is strongly encouraged. This activity makes a huge difference in creating positive reading habits and making reading a priority. Please let me know if you need books or other reading material at home.
Q: What if my child forgets his/her homework?
A: Your child simply needs to say, "I forgot my homework, and will bring it tomorrow." If this becomes a consistent issue, other arrangements may be made in order to allow them to finish it during the school day. This time may include their personal recess time.
Q: Can my child bring a snack to school?
A: Yes. Snacks should be mess free, and not require prep or utensils. Snacks should be (mostly) healthy. Examples: apple slices, squeeze yogurt, strawberries, grapes, carrot sticks, Cheerios.
*Do not send chips, cookies, or sugary drinks.